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Welcome, Traveller, to my land of dreams.

a line of rainbow stars forming a divider

My name is Cecil! He/It pronouns!

I am an adult (early 20's)

I am physically disabled and neurodiverse

a line of rainbow stars forming a divider

This website is going to be a sort of portfolio sort of collection of things I find neat, as a way for me to get into frontend coding and to get away from reliance on a carrd to share information on various projects.

Really this is mostly a collection of snapshots of my interests and life, i am planning on theming every page slightly differently because otherwise i would be overhauling the site 200x a day. I am so indecisive.

I do a lot of things halfway and jump around a lot, please be patient, but if i have left you hanging please pester me about things.

Anyway! this is getting a bit long winded! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

a line of rainbow stars forming a divider